Tuesday, 18 October 2016

What is Derived Tables & CTE in Sql Server and Compare with – views, tables variables, local and global temp tables

What is Derived Tables & CTE in Sql Server

Compare with – views, tables variables, local and global temp tables


create table Department
DeptId int primary key,
Deptname varchar(23)

create table Employee
Id int,
Name varchar(32),
Salary float,
Gender varchar(23),
DepartmentId int  foreign key references Department(DeptId) on delete cascade

insert into Department values(1,'IT')
insert into Department values(2,'HR')
insert into Department values(3,'PAYROLL')
insert into Department values(4,'ADMIN')

insert into Employee values(1,'Kiran',4500,'male',3)
insert into Employee values(2,'Sara',3400,'female',1)
insert into Employee values(3,'john',4000,'male',2)
insert into Employee values(4,'kenny',5200,'female',4)

SELECT * FROM Department
SELECT * FROM Employee


1. VIEWS:-  Views gets saved in the database, and can be available to other queries and stored procedures. However, if this view is only used at this one place, it can be easily eliminated using other options, like CTE,Derived tables, temp tables, table variables etc.
-- using View  ...................

create view VwCompareViewCount
select Deptname,deptId, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployee
from Employee
join Department
on Employee.DepartmentId=Department.DeptId
group by Deptname, DeptId

select * from VwCompareViewCount

select DeptId,Deptname,TotalEmployee from VwCompareViewCount
where TotalEmployee>=2


2. TEMP TABLES:-Temporary tables are stored in TempDB. Local temporary tables are visible only in the current session, and can be shared between nested stored procedure calls. Global temporary tables are visible to other sessions and are destroyed ,when the last connection referencing the table is closed.


Select Deptname,DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as totalEmployee
into #TempEmployeeCount
from Employee em
join Department dp
on em.DepartmentId=dp.DeptId
group by Deptname,DepartmentId

select * from #TempEmployeeCount
select Deptname,totalEmployee
from #TempEmployeeCount
where totalEmployee>=2

-- drop temp table
Drop table #TempEmployeeCount


Note:-  Just like TempTables, A table variable is also created in TempDB. The scope of a table variable is the batch, stored procedure, or statement block in which it is declared.
They can be passed as parameters between procedures.

---using tables variables---

Declare @TableEmployeCount table
Deptname varchar(32),
DepartmentId int,
TotalEmployee int
insert @TableEmployeCount
select Deptname,DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as Totalemployee
from dbo.Employee em
join dbo.Department dp
on em.DepartmentId=dp.DeptId
group by Deptname,DepartmentId

select DepartmentId,Deptname,Totalemployee
from @TableEmployeCount
where Totalemployee>=2


Note-:if we execute then we select all both created @TableEmployeCount table and select query include to run this query but output is SAME

4. DERIVED  TABLES:- A derived table is a table expression that appears in the FROM clause of a query. You can apply derived tables when the use of column aliases is not possible because another clause is processed by the SQL translator before the alias name is known.


Select DepartmentId,Deptname,TotalEmployee
                        select Deptname,DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as Totalemployee
                        from Employee em
                        join Department dp
                        on em.DepartmentId=dp.DeptId
                        group by Deptname,DepartmentId
as EmployeeCount                               --(EmployeeCount is variable)
where Totalemployee>=2


Note: if we execute then we select all both created EmployeeCount table and select query include to run this query but output is SAME

 Derived tables are available only in the context of the current query.

5. CTE  (Comman Table Expression):-  CTE is used as start WITH keyboard. We can called as temporary table

---Using CTE..................

With EmployeeCountCTE(Deptname,DepartmentId, TotalEmployee)
            select Deptname,DepartmentId, COUNT(*) as TotalEmployee
            from Employee em
            join Department dp
            on em.DepartmentId=dp.DeptId
            group by Deptname,DepartmentId
select DepartmentId, Deptname, TotalEmployee
from   EmployeeCountCTE
where Totalemployee>=2

--we executed select all data query output as same


Note:- A CTE can be thought of as  a temporary result set that is defined with in the execution scope of a single SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE, OR CREATE VIEW statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. 


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