Monday, 17 October 2016

Veiw and its Advantages in Sql Server and What is INDEX VIEWS what is solution of this error SQL SCHEMABINDING Error

Veiw and its Advantages in Sql Server and What is INDEX VIEWS what is solution of this  error SQL SCHEMABINDING Error

 View:--  A view is nothing more than a saved SQL query. A view can also be considered as a virtual table. A view is defined by a query and only shows the data which is defined at the time of creation of the view. If you hide particular columns then use the view. A view hides the complexity of the underlying database schema, or customizes the data and schema for a set of users.

Advantages of view:-
  1. View can be used to reduce the complexity of the database schema
  2. Views can be used as a machinsm to implement row and column level security.
  3. View can be used to present aggregated data and hide detailed data.
  4. A view is virtual, the data from a view is not stored physically. It is a set of queries that, when applied to one or more tables, is stored in the database as an object
  5. A view encapsulates the name of the table. A virtual table contains column and data from multiple tables
  6. Views are used for security purpose in the database because it hides the name of the table and logic and provides the virtual table. A view is used to store the SELECT statement only
  7. In the view we can modify the data and table. A view provides a convenient way to retrieve and manipulate data. A view contains rows and columns, the same as a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. A view shows up-to-date 
--create table.....................................

create table Department
DeptId int primary key,
Deptname varchar(23)

create table Employee
Id int,
Name varchar(32),
Salary float,
Gender varchar(23),
DepartmentId int  foreign key references Department(DeptId) on delete cascade

insert into Department values(1,'IT')
insert into Department values(2,'HR')
insert into Department values(3,'PAYROLL')
insert into Department values(4,'ADMIN')

insert into Employee values(1,'Kiran',4500,'male',3)
insert into Employee values(2,'Sara',3400,'female',1)
insert into Employee values(3,'john',4000,'male',2)
insert into Employee values(4,'kenny',5200,'female',4)

SELECT * FROM Department
SELECT * FROM Employee

---now join the tables

select id,Name,Salary,Gender,DepartmentId
from Employee
join Department
on Employee.DepartmentId=Department.DeptId

---create the view…………………

create view VWGetbyDepartment
from Employee e1
join Department d1
on e1.DepartmentId=d1.DeptId

--use store procedure query like this

sp_helptext  VWGetbyDepartment

select * from VWGetbyDepartment

---we used join in creating view the table procedure only IT data from table----

create view VWDepartment_IT
from Employee e1
join Department d1
on e1.DepartmentId=d1.DeptId
where d1.Deptname='IT'

-- query---

select * from VWDepartment_IT

---we can view for summarized  data from table----

create view VWSummarize_Data
select d1.Deptname,Count( as 'Total Employee'
from Employee e1
join Department d1
on e1.DepartmentId=d1.DeptId
group by d1.Deptname

-- query---

select * from VWSummarize_Data

To Modify a view –ALTER VIEW statement.
To Drop a view- DROP VIEW VWname.


SELECT * FROM dbo.Department
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee

create view VWexceptsalaryEmployee
select id,name,gender,departmentId
from Employee
---here this create view select data from table Employee then execute that
select * from VWexceptsalaryEmployee

----now we update a view in table that
update VWexceptsalaryEmployee
set Name='sapna' where id=4
--after executed data updated-then select query used that---

----now we can delete data increated view----
delete from  VWexceptsalaryEmployee where id=3
---after execute the view data deleted

----insert data in created view----
insert into VWexceptsalaryEmployee values(3,'john','male',2)
---after execute data insert---

 ---update view in both tables using create view----
 create view VWbothviewtabls
 select id,name,gender,deptname
 from dbo.Employee
 join dbo.Department
 on Employee.DepartmentId=Department.DeptId  

 ---then select data---
 select * from VWbothviewtabls

 ---update the created view in both table
 update VWbothviewtabls
 set Name='kenny' where Deptname='IT'
 ---after execute this query data is update

 Conclusion:- if a view is based on multiple tables, and if you update the view, it may not update the underlying base tables correctly. To correctly update a view, that is based on multiple table, INSTEAD OF triggers are used.

We will discuss about triggers and correctly updating a view that is based on multiple

  1. You can not pass  parameter to a view. Table valued functions are not excellent replacement for parameterized views.
  2. Rules and default cannot be associated with views.
  3. The ORDER BY clause is invalid in view unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.
  4. View can not be based on temporary tables.
---create table in another selected----
select * from dbo.Employee

---now create the view--

create view VWviewlimitations
select Id,name,salary,gender,departmentId
from dbo.Employee

---after created

select * from dbo.Employee

alter view VWviewlimitations
select Id,name,salary,gender,departmentId
from dbo.Employee
order by id

--In view created order by id it occured error like this-:
--Msg 1033, Level 15, State 1, Procedure VWviewlimitations, Line 5
--The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified.

select * from VWviewlimitations

---with parameter Error : cannot pass parameter view as same

create view VWviewlimitations
@gender nvarchar(32)
select Id,name,salary,gender,departmentId
from dbo.Employee
where Gender=@Gender

--it will occured error if we execute that query----

---then now we create inline table value function in view

select * from VWviewlimitations where gender='male'

create function Fn_viewtbledetails(@gender varchar(33))
returns table
(select Id,name,gender,departmentId
from Employee where gender=@gender)

select * from Fn_viewtbledetails('male')

--we can not create temporary table on temp tables--- 

create table ##Tempotable
Id int,
name varchar(32),
gender varchar(23)
insert into ##Tempotable values(101,'Tom','Male')
insert into ##Tempotable values(102,'sara','female')
insert into ##Tempotable values(103,'kenny','female')
insert into ##Tempotable values(104,'sam','Male')

select * from ##Tempotable

--if we create again temporary table then.....

create view VWTemptable
select id,name,gender
from ##Tempotable

--it will occured the same error

--Msg 4508, Level 16, State 1, Procedure VWTemptable, Line 4
--Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with '#' denote temporary tables.

INDEX VIEWS:- A standard or Non-Indexed view, is just a stored SQL query. When we try to retrieve data from the view, the data is actually retrieved from the underlying base tables.
So, view is just a virtual table it does not store data by default.
However, when you create the index , on a view, the view gets materialized. This means, the view is now, capable of storing data.
In sql server, we call them indexed view and in oracle, materialized view.

Guidelines for creating Indexed View
  1. The view should be created with schema Binding option
  2. If an aggregate function in the select list references an expression, and if there is a possibility for that expression to be null, then a replacement value should be specified
  3. If group by is specified, the view select list must contains a Count_Big(*) expression
  4. The base tables in the view, should be references with two part name.

-- Sql Query..............

use test

create table tblProducts
ProductId int primary key,
Name varchar(50),
UnitPrice int

create table tblProductSales
ProductId int foreign key references tblProducts(ProductId),
QuantitySold int

insert into tblProducts values(1,'Pens',56)
insert into tblProductSales values(1,6)

--we can create view   from table----

create view VMTotalSales_ByProduct
with schemaBinding
select Name,
Sum(isnull((QuantitySold * UnitPrice),0)) as TotalSales,
COUNT_BIG(*) as TotalTransactions from  tblProductSales  join tblProducts  on tblProducts.ProductId=tblProductSales.ProductId
group by name


Msg 4512, Level 16, State 3, Procedure VMTotalSales_ByProduct, Line 21
Cannot schema bind view 'VMTotalSales_ByProduct' because name 'tblProductSales' is invalid for schema binding? Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.


When You Create a view "WITH SCHEMABINDING", Database will keep the reference with object name. many database object can be created with same name from difference user, if we create the view by using only name. There are lot of difficulties to handle. To avoid that, SQL Server expects the Object Name in Proper Format like

In My Query I changed to DBO.tblProductSales  , then i tried to create the view then it works fine.

create view VMTotalSales_ByProduct
with schemaBinding
select Name,
Sum(isnull((QuantitySold * UnitPrice),0)) as TotalSales,
COUNT_BIG(*) as TotalTransactions from  dbo.tblProductSales  join dbo.tblProducts  on tblProducts.ProductId=tblProductSales.ProductId
group by name

-- create unique Clustered Index which name UIxwithName
create unique Clustered Index UIxwithName
on  VMTotalSales_ByProduct(Name)

select * from VMTotalSales_ByProduct



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