Thursday 29 August 2013

How Rename any table Drop any column in Sql Server 2008

How  rename any table ,Drop any colum in Sql Server 2008

create database test
use  test
--To create  table, use the following syntax

create table Sqlpractice(Id int identity(100,5) primary key,Name varchar(50),Dob date not null default getdate(),age int not null default 0)

--To rename  table, use the following syntax

sp_rename 'Sqlpractice','testsql'

--To insert into  table, use the following syntax and after insert how to select data
insert into testsql values('Dinesh Ramdeen','','')
insert into testsql values ('Rohit Singh','07/23/1987',24)
Select * from testsql

 --To rename a column in a table, use the following syntax

sp_rename 'testsql.Dob','DateOfBirth','column'

--To add a column in a table, use the following syntax

alter table testSql add  Address varchar(50)

--To change datatype with column in a table, use the following syntax

alter table testsql alter column  Address nvarchar(50)

--To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax

alter table testsql drop column Address

--How to create another table Student  which has the same structure and same data like testSql table

select *  into Student from testSql

--How to create another table Emp  which has the same structure  like testSql table

select *  into Emp from testSql where 0=1


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