Wednesday 18 May 2016

Mathmatical Function in Sql Sever

Mathmatical Function in Sql Sever:-
  • Abs
  • Ceiling
  • Floor
  • Power
  • Rand
  • Square
  • Sqrt
  • Round
1.Abs (numeric_expressions)- Abs stands for absolute and returns, the absolute (positive) number.
Syntax- select  ABS(numeric_expression)
---Abs functions
select ABS(011) ---return 011
select ABS(-101)--return 101 not include minus sign
select ABS(111.1)---return 111.1

2. Ceiling() & Floor() functions:-Ceiling and Floor functions accept a numeric expression as a single parameter . Ceiling () returns a smallest integer value greater than or equal to the parameter, whereas Floor() returns the largest integer less than or eual to the parameter.
Syntax-    select CEILING(numeric_expression)
    select floor(numeric_expression)
·         select CEILING(12.1---returns output 13
·         select CEILING(-12.1---returns output -12
·         select floor(12.1) ---returns output 12
·         select floor(-12.1) ---returns output 13
3. Power():-  Returns the power value of the specified expression to the specified power.

Syntax:- select POWER(numeric_expression)
Ex-  select POWER(3,2) ---returns output 9
4. Square():- returns the  square of the given number.
Syntax:-  select SQUARE(numeric_expression)
Ex-  select SQUARE(4)---returns output 16

5. Sqrt():-  Returns the square root of the given number.
Syntax:-  select SQRT(numeric_expression)
Ex-  select SQRT(2)---returns sqareroot output 1.4142135623731

6.Random():- Return the random float number between 0 and 1. Rand() function takes an optional seed parameter. when seed value is supplied the RADN() function always returns the same value for the same seed.

Syntax- select RAND([seed_value])

Ex-  select RAND()---returns always 0 to 1 values but almost 0
select rand(1100)---returns output 0.734069628625685

---if we want 1 to 100 number we use random number:
Ex- select (RAND() * 100--return 0 to 100 (72.1944369495552)

---if we want only integer no float value----
Ex- select floor(RAND() * 100.9)  --return 0 to 100 (72.1944369495552)

7.ROUND() function(numeric_expression, length[function]):- Rounds the given numeric expression based on the given length. This function takes 3 parameters.
  1.  Numeric_Expression-: it’s a number that we want to round.
  2.  Length:- Length parameters, specify the number of the digits that we want to round do. If the length is a positive number, then the rounding is applied to the number before the decimal.
  3. The Optional Function Parameter it used to indicate rounding or truncation operations. 0 indicates rounding , non zero indicates truncation. Default, if it specified is 0.

--if Round 2 places after (to the right)the decimal point
select round(850.556,2)
---output 850.560 (2 decimal values after ignore points indicate 0)
select ROUND(850.556,1)
--output 850.600 (1 decimal values after ignore points indicate 0)
select ROUND(850.556,3)
--output 850.556(3 decimal values after ignore points indicate 0)
--Truncate output 850.556(3 decimal values after ignore points indicate 0)
select ROUND(850.556,1,1)--returns 1 take in left at point side output(850.500)
select ROUND(850.556,2,1)--returns 2 take in left at point side output(850.550)
select ROUND(850.556,3,1)--returns 3 take in left at point side output(850.556)

select ROUND(850.556,-2)---output 850.23260
select ROUND(9069.556,-3)---output 9000.000

select ROUND(850.556,-2)---output 900.000


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