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Me And My Respected Teacher Mr Kamal Sheel Mishra

Mr. K.S. Mishra is HOD of Computer Science from SMS Varanasi where I have completed my MCA

Me And My Respected Teacher Mr Udayan Maiti

Mr. Udayan Maiti is a senior .Net Expert and has guided many professionals of multi national Companies(MNC)

Me And My Best Friend Mr Ravinder Goel

Mr. Ravinder Goel is a senior Software Engineer and now he is working Wipro Technology

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Built String Function in Sql Server

Built String Function in Sql Server

1. Ascii:  Its return the ascii code for the given character expression

Syntax:  ASCII('character_expresssion')
Example  print ascii('A')  
Output : 65
***************** Using ASCII in  Sql Server **********************************
declare @st int
set @st=65
print char(@st)
set @st=@st+1
Output : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

65 to 90  = A to  Z
97 to 22  = a to  z
48 to 58  = 1 to  10

2. Char:  Its convert on int ascii code to character .The integer expression should be between 0-255
Syntax:  char(integer _expression)
Example  print char(66)
Output : B

3. LTRIM: remove blanks on the left hand side of the given character expression
Syntax:  LTRIM(‘character_expresssion')
Example  print LTRIM('    KUSH')
Output : KUSH

4. RTRIM: remove blanks on the right  hand side of the given character expression
Syntax:  RTRIM(‘character_expresssion')
Example  print RTRIM('TIWARI    ')
Output : TIWARI

4. Lower : convert  all the characters in the character_expression to lower case letter
Syntax:  LOWER(‘character_expresssion')
Example  print LOWER('MANOJ')
Output : manoj

5. Upper : convert  all the characters in the character_expression to upper case letter
Syntax:  UPPER (‘character_expresssion')
Example  PRINT UPPER('yadav')
Output : YADAV

6. Reverse : convert  all the characters in the character_expression to upper case letter
Syntax:  REVERSE (‘any_string _expresssion')
Example  PRINT REVERSE('yadav')
Output : vaday

7. LEN : return length of any string expression
Syntax:  Len (‘string _expresssion')
Example  print Len(' jyotirana')
Output : 10 ( 1 white space + 9 char)

8. Left:  Return the specified number of characters from the left hand side of the given characters expression
 Syntax:   Left ('Character_Expression', Inter_Expression)
Example:  SELECT Left('ABCDEF',3)
Output :  ABC

9. Right: Return the specified number of characters from the right hand side of the given characters expression
 Syntax:   Right ('Character_Expression',Inter_Expression)
Example:  SELECT  Right('ABCDEF',3)
Output :  DEF

10. CHARINDEX Return the starting position of the specified expression in characters string
 Syntax:   CHARINDEX('Expression_To_Find','Expression_To_Search')
Example:  SELECT CHARINDEX('@','')
Output :  12

10. Substring Return substring (part of string) from the given expressions
Syntax:   Substring('expression', start, length)
Example:  SELECT Substring('',6,9)
Output :

************************* query *************************************
select SUBSTRING('',charindex('@',''),10)
select SUBSTRING('',charindex('@','')+1,10)
select SUBSTRING('',CHARINDEX('@','')+1,len('')-CHARINDEX('@',''))

******** by this Sql function we find domain name of any emailid *********

create function GetDomainName(@emailid varchar(50))
returns varchar(50)
declare @res varchar(50)=null
set @res=SUBSTRING(@emailid,CHARINDEX('@',@emailid)+1,len(@emailid)-CHARINDEX('@',@emailid))
return @res

--execute function

select dbo.GetDomainName('')

--query for how to create  table  …………………………….

create table Employee
SrNo int identity(1,1) primary key,
FirstName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50),
EmailId varchar(50),
Address varchar(50)

FirstName+ ' ' +LastName as FullName ,
SUBSTRING(EmailId,CHARINDEX('@',EmailId)+1,len(EmailId)-CHARINDEX('@',EmailId))  as DomainName
from employee

Note: By this query we can find that how many account exist on specific domain, you can see the result in this image which are given below

select SUBSTRING(EmailId,CHARINDEX('@',EmailId)+1,len(EmailId)-CHARINDEX('@',EmailId))  as DomainName,
count(EmailId) as TotalEmailId from employee
group by  SUBSTRING(EmailId,CHARINDEX('@',EmailId)+1,len(EmailId)-CHARINDEX('@',EmailId))
